Hello everyone! Today we will discuss about how to prevent temperature excursions from the products that we are shipping.  As we know, temperature is one of the most crucial factors that matters when we ship our goods, moreover for food, pharmaceutical, and other temperature sensitive products. Previously, we have written about how to prevent humidity in...
For you who are interested in Controlling the Quality of your goods, there might be a question that has come to your mind at some point: Most of the times, we are talking about automated manufacturing. How would quality control be different with handmade products where human factor play the most important role? The short answer...
What is QRQC? QRQC – or Quick Response Quality Control – is not only a quality control tool and method for troubleshooting but also an innovative concept in the field of global quality management. QRQC integrates a simple and logical solution to a given production or business operation problem within 24 hours’ time and has...
The Chinese New Year is just on the doorstep. There is one important question we have been getting recently, and especially from those clients who are newer to China. What to expect from my supplier and products when the Chinese New Year is approaching? The celebrations of the year of the Sheep/ Goat officially start February...
Many leads who want to do a quality control check or inspection, asked me how many pieces will be inspected and checked, out of XXX amount, or can we check all of the quantity, and other similar questions. In this article, you’ll find the answer of those questions. Do we check them all? No… Why...
Today, we will discuss about Consolidation Warehouse. Do you know what is a Consolidation Warehouse? Do you know how it looks like? Let’s dig more about it! What is Consolidation Warehouse? A consolidation warehouse is a form of warehousing that pulls together small shipments from a number of suppliers in the same geographical area and combines...
What is the “Future of Quality” Report? The 2015 Future of Quality report is here. It is entitled “Quality Throughout” and it is free for everyone. Download it from the ASQ website. This year the report is a little bit different than the past ones. It is a collection of rousingly written essays from some of the...
Going through a product recall is not pleasant at all… A product recall can damage our bottom line and our reputation. What do we have to do to prevent this unpleasant condition? Let’s solve it! Product recall is a request to return a product caused by the discovery of safety issues or product defects that can...
Maybe this is the first time for some of you to hear the word “IoT”. IoT is the abbreviation of Internet of Things. It is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. This term is also known as M2M...
As quality of life is getting better and better, same thing must follow the process. More progress is needed and possible as customers demand better quality, better service, and lower prices. Using Lean Six Sigma analysis and other quality improvement approaches has shown us that quality improvement is profitable and can improve an organization’s bottom line. Individual...